Sabina Urdes
Sarah Wines
Nick Christensen
Robert Schultz
So far here are the nominations and the nominees who have accepted. Also a list of the folks that nominated them.
I know that one sitting board member is in favor of putting the election off a month to allow us to get more nominations and more involvement. This person has no problem extending their time one more meeting. I will be contacting the other two. The way things unfolded has left many people confused about the process, If not, there will be a motion brought before the membership for a vote.
With 5 days until the election we do not even have enough folks coming forward to fill the 7 required seats. Doing that would make almost half our board again appointees chosen by the 4 board members up for seats. You will have no say other then to ratify their choices.
Hence, my reasoning for no rush. Give some time for folks to make a decision; on if they want to run and be more informed of who they are voting for. We have a lot of new residents.
Here they are:
Chair - Sabina Urdes Nominated by Robert Schultz
*Vice Chair - Sarah Wines Nominated by Robert Schultz
Land Use - Nick Christensen Nominated by Robert Schultz
At Large - Robert Schultz Nominated by Robert Schultz
* I want to be sure so I put an asterisk by Sarah Wines name as she has told me as far as 3 months ago she was running for Chair.