Please park in side lot (South side) of building. You will be accessing our meeting thru the door closes to that parking lot.
We will truly miss Daryl Turner. It's time to turn over a new leaf and come out and meet our new Portland Police Union President Brian Hunzeker
Find out what is planned next for our Portland Police.
We will also have Raven Russell & Jeff Woodward from Bybee Lakes Hope Center to give us an update on how they are doing.
Come out and ask questions and get involved. Everyone is welcome.
© 6:30 PM - Start of Meeting
o Announcements:
Neighbor 2 Neighbor – Saturday March 13th at 9:00 AM – if interested check with Penny, Char, Bob or David for location
Weekly WestRock Cleanups –Sunday March 14, Saturday 20 & 27 at 8:00 AM - BUT please check Facebook or Website for date & time – subject to change depending on weather
Multi-Use Path Cleanup –Sunday March 21st at noon – 2:00 PM –– Please pre-register by signing up with SOLVE
© Guest Speakers:
o 6:35– Brian Hunzeker, President of the Portland Police Union
o 7:35 – Raven Russell, Director of Data & Major Projects & Jeff Woodward – Bybee Lakes Facility Director
o 8:30 Adjourn